1. Your Online Booking

a) Your booking for the online booking is made between Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours and the signatory of your tour / trip, who must be over 18 years of age (‘you’). All correspondence addressed to Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours and your payment details will be used to confirm your training tour / trip booking.

b) The contract between you and your Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours is in all circumstances to be governed by these booking conditions. Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours is the owner of www.egypt-trips-tours.com, with company commercial registration number 25478.

a) Amendments must be confirmed in writing, signed / emailed by you or any authorised member of your group. They will come into effect on the day they are received by Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours. You agree to indemnify Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours for any reasonable expenses incurred in making an amendment whether or not Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours succeeds in confirming your request.

a) Any cancellation will only come into effect the day written notice or email is received by Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours and will be refunded as shown in the table below.

Days Before Tour / Trip DateCancellation charge
22 – 28 days25%
15 – 21 days50%
1 – 14 days75%
Less than Week100%

b) You may be able to reclaim these charges under the terms of your agreement depending on the reason for your cancellation.


a) As part of this contract you hereby agree to guarantee full payment for your online booking.

b) Please treat your tour / trip with care and respect. Behaviour deemed unacceptable by Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours will result in the termination of your online booking and you shall have no right to a refund or any expenses incurred as a result of the termination.

c) For group bookings and Red Sea Holidays, a deposit will be compulsory, to protect against loss and/or damage pertaining to fixtures, fittings and tour / trips. This deposit is payable by cheque or by letter of credit card authorisation for the specified corporate event. This deposit is payable with your balance.

d) Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours will be entitled to recover the cost of any damage caused by any guest / tour group member during any the course of your tour / trip / Red Sea Holiday.

a) Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours accepts responsibility for ensuring that the tour / trip which you book with Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours, is supplied with a qualified guide and / or driver, when applicable and as described in your booking confirmation and on our website.

b) Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours accepts responsibility for any loss, injury or illness caused by the negligent acts and/or omissions of Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours employees, whilst acting within the scope of their employment in the provision of your tour booking, except where the failure to perform or the improper performance was due to:
1) Your own acts or omissions.
2) Acts or omissions of a third party not involved or included in your booking.
3) Circumstances which were unforeseeable or unavoidable even when exercising all due care, such as force majeur.
Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours liability will in all cases be limited in accordance with international conventions.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health before / during your tour / trip. For international travellers, it is their responsibility to ensure that all travel and passport documents are in proper order before travel. Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours accepts no liability for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of your failure to take reasonable care in this respect.

In the unlikely event that you are ever unhappy or unsatisfied with any aspect of your online booking, you must address your complaint immediately to our staff. In the unlikely event that your problem cannot be resolved locally, you must inform Golden Chain for Hotels & Tours, in writing, of your complaint within 28 days of your tour / trip so that any rights to compensation can be examined.

These booking conditions and any matters arising from them are subject to and governed by Egyptian law. To the best of our knowledge all details were accurate at the time of going to print.